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Advanced Microneedling & Aesthetics

At Beauty to the Bone, we proudly provide Jackson, TN residents with a comprehensive range of skin care and aesthetic services, including skin-reviving facials and microneedling treatment. Microneedling is a perfect and highly popular way to achieve a new level of hydration and renewal in your skin. This minimally-invasive skin treatment focuses on revitalizing the face and neck area, helping you achieve remarkable results almost immediately! Explore the advantages of advanced microneedling treatment and recapture your skin’s youthful shine today!

microneedling cost

Reverse the Signs of Aging & Live Your Best Life

Microneedling is a refreshing and highly effective facial rejuvenation technique that promotes a wide variety of benefits patients often experience instantly. This specialized skin treatment utilizes advanced radiofrequency energy to contour the facial structure by penetrating deep into the skin. This technology is proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles, pore congestion, and other minor skin-related concerns. With an ongoing care plan, you’ll also be able to soften stretch marks, minimize acne and traumatic scarring, and leave your skin with the healthy, youthful glow you desire. Schedule an initial consultation and see if microneedling is right for you!

Begin Your Journey to a More Youthful You

Start your journey toward brighter, firmer, more youthful-looking skin here at Beauty to the Bone! When you visit our state-of-the-art facility, you’ll be treated to some of the highest quality skin treatment and aesthetic services aimed at helping you achieve your health and beauty goals. You deserve to face each day with complete confidence in your appearance! Discover the latest in advanced skin care treatments specifically developed to target and reverse the signs of aging while restoring your innate beauty from within. Get smoother, healthier skin and turn back the hands of time! Contact us to book your appointment today.

Microneedling FAQs

Microneedling is a safe, minimally invasive skincare treatment that uses thin acupuncture needles to create tiny microchannels in the top layer of skin. This advanced and impressively fast method of treatment is designed to trigger the body’s natural healing processes and ability to produce collagen, resulting in new, healthy skin cells.

With microneedling as part of your routine skincare regimen and treatment plan, you’ll be on the best course to target and reduce the appearance of many skin concerns, including wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, and visible pores. Because the treatment causes your body to produce new skin cells, you’ll notice rejuvenated, youthful-looking skin in no time.

We begin every microneedling session by cleaning your skin and making any preparations to make your visit as cozy and personalized as possible. Our specialists use a handheld tool to gently apply the treatment to your skin, and you may experience a sensation of warmth or slight scratching on your face. Our patients enjoy the efficiency of the microneedling process because treatment can often be completed in as little as 15 minutes.

While patients often report redness, mild swelling, and other symptoms similar to a sunburn, these effects typically don’t last any longer than 24-48 hours, with noticeable improvements in skin sometimes appearing in as little as one week after treatment. We usually recommend a series of ongoing treatments as a general guideline for the best possible results.

Schedule an Appointment Today!